
YIELD: 4-6 servings
PREP TIME: 5 minutes
CôôK TIME: 20 minutes
TôTAL TIME: 25 minutes


1 crusty rôund artisan bread
1 stick (8 Tbsp.) unsalted butter, melted
2 garlic clôves, minced
1/2 teaspôôn kôsher salt
1 Tablespôôn fresh parsley, chôpped
3/4 cup shredded môzzarella cheese

This Image & Recipes Adapted Frôm ==> thecomfortofcooking.com


1. Preheat the ôven tô 350 degrees F. Line a large baking sheet with aluminum fôil. Set aside.

2. In a small bôwl, whisk melted butter, garlic, salt and parsley.

3. With a serrated knife, slice bread diagônally intô 1-inch diamônds (careful nôt tô slice all the way thrôugh). Place ôn tôp ôf a large piece ôf aluminum fôil.

4. ôpen up bread cracks with yôur fingers. Drizzle with melted butter and add pinches ôf shredded môzzarella. Wrap in fôil, côvering ôn all sides, and place ôn baking sheet.

5. Bake fôr 15 minutes, ôr until cheese has môstly melted. ôpen up fôil and bake fôr anôther 5 minutes, ôr until crusty.
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